Primal Instincts has helped me become a better man mentally and physically over the past 6 months, when I joined Primal Instincts I was in a bad way, mentally having split up with my partner losing my home and my family connection. 

I was mentally broken also mixing this with alcohol while suffering from a serious gambling addiction, which led me to have suicidal thoughts daily, I joined Primal Instincts and started going to the talking circle and sharing my problems about how I was feeling their lads constantly reached out to me and supported me.

Since joining I have become clean from drinking and gambling and have gotten my family back and my family home I also am taking part in a lot more physical exercises to better my health and well-being and it all thanks to Primal Instincts I couldn't have done it on my own. So thankyou!

I'm a British army veteran. With combat experience 

I saw Primal Instincts on social media and already knew the benefits of cold water, so I thought I would go along and give it a try. The part didn't know about was the Viking Clap and the Primal scream the power is so intense. 

Before Primal Instincts, I thought I was alone, as I wanted to be strong for my family. So I never spoke about my PTSD, stress and anxiety. I didn't want to burden them with it, the incredible thing is they already knew it was there, and it was putting a lot of strain on family life, I was told I could be 5 different people in a 10  minute car ride.

Since joining the Primals, I have spoken about what's going on and shared a part of my story. I really feel like I'm becoming the better version of me. The one that my family need.

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Before Primal Instincts I was lost, suffering from addiction, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I had lost all my friends, my family was ashamed of who I was and I couldn't see a better life. I got involved just as it all began with several men jumping in the river, since that moment my life has done nothing but improve. They are a group of men who only want the best for people, they show compassion to your
situation, and they drive you to see the positive in almost every situation. I owe a lot to the group, they give us a platform to feel safe and share our emotions with men who have lived through the same experiences.

Primal instincts helped me realise and understand the things that you think of as a man, are normal things, everyone has troubles and demons, and by bottling them up they cannot escape. It was so refreshing to talk and open up to like-minded men to realise everyone struggles, everyone has issues and difficulties. But being in that brotherhood makes you feel stronger and a lot more open to others and what they may be going through, we all help each other and build ourselves up to be better men. To be accountable for our actions and our words I've battled many things in my life all of which have been alone, I lost both my parents relatively early on in my life and to take on the challenge of life with no role models in life has been tough, but when you have the group to look at, listen to and be a part if you feel you want to share these things make you realise the battle of life don't have to be taken on alone

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Primal instincts has saved my life before I came to the group I tried to commit suicide I was taking drugs all the time and drinking I lost my relationship of 15 years my kids I came to the river to meet Briffa and got hooked I am now not taking drugs drinking I have my relationship back my missis has said I have changed she sees the spark in me again so much positivity I am so happy and grateful I can't thank everyone so much xxxxxxxx

I started Primal Instincts in January this year, the effects were noticeable from day one. I came along with my brother-in-law as I'm not one for groups of people, and I always thought my struggles with mental health could be handled by myself and myself alone. Seeing the positive effect on my brother-in-law and how he's massively turned his life around made me think perhaps I should give it a go.
From the first Wrekin walk and meditation, I knew this would change my aspect on a few things just from talking to a couple of lads. The interactions have been nothing but positive and a sense of being in a team, or just not feeling alone sometimes has benefited me and my family greatly as I feel like I'm the man I'm supposed to be after all these positive interactions. Well for me it's the way everyone wants to help me push myself more I had become a home hermit but after joining I've made me friends and I've done more for myself than I was before I've done so much in the last 3 weeks mainly because of the positive attitude, the lads put out

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